Product Owner.

Years of experience in product ownership, development, and management make Nathan a perfect candidate for ACS Technologies.

To see my history of success Visit Linkedin

Nathan is an:

Innovator, Product Owner, Marketer,
Designer, Developer, Leader.

As a Product Owner for ACS, Nathan will:

Be a User Advocate

Nathan will use his extensive industry knowledge, relationships, and customer feedback to align the needs of the end user with the functionality of the application.

Develop the Product Vision

Nathan will perform market research, utilize gap analysis, and perform end user testing to craft a vision of what a cutting edge church management software can become.

Benchmark Competition

Nathan will conduct in-depth competition analysis to understand the service offerings and methodologies of competing technologies to develop best in class services for ACS Technologies.

Craft User Stories

Nathan will develop comprehensive user stories for the team which leads them toward the overall vision of the application while leaving space for collaboration and innovation.

Build Product Backlog

Nathan will build, prioritize, and manage the product backlog to create a clear roadmap of where the application is going and what steps are needed next in order to move it forward.

Manage QA Efforts

Nathan will use his extensive QA experience to manage releases in order to insure the application provides a fluid experience for the end user.

Nathan has a Proven Track Record.

He has a deep knowledge of the web technology industry with over 18 years of experience with website development, 7 years of experience with web application development, and 5 years of experience in an agile and scrum environments.

Visit Nathan's Portfolio

Well Rounded Skillset.


Working in the operations side of business since 2006, Nathan has built companies, led teams, developed strategic growth plans, and increased revenue by millions.


Art lover and designer by nature. Experience in digital and print. Designed for fortune 500 companies, platinum recording artist, and 100’s of other companies nationwide.


Nathan generally leads teams of developers, but has also built complex web applications himself. He has experience with HTML, CSS, jquery, python, django, C#,, PHP, and more.

Nathan is Uniquely Qualified.

He has extensive experience in the church world having been on staff with mega churches like Seacoast and Fellowship as well as small country churches with less than 100 people. He was ordained in 2009 and has served as a student pastor and worship leader. This provides Nathan with a truly valuable perspective when it comes to developing products for churches.

Nathan posesses deep industry knowledge.

ACS Technology Products

Having worked in churches for years, Nathan has used several of ACS’s products. He has experience in both The City as well as the older ACS desktop software.

Other Church Mgmt Software

Nathan has helped several churches implement church management software. He has experience in setting up and using many ChMS systems such as FellowshipOne, Breeze ChMS, and Planning Center.

Business CRM Systems

Inside the business world, Nathan has set up and and used several CRM systems for keeping track of clients, communicating with customers, and building sales pipelines.

Nathan's Top Skills.

Nathan has spent years building his skills in the application development ecosystem and is excited about the opportunity to bring those skills to ACS Technologies in order to be a part of an amazing team that is making a difference in the world.

  • Team Leadership
  • Projecting & Managing ROI
  • Vision Development
  • Application Planning
  • QA Testing
  • Process Creation
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Market Research

Hire Nathan as the Next ACS Technologies
Product Owner Today.